On May 12, 2022, fifteen ART 326 students presented their final learning reflection (artwork) in the Direction Gallery, Art Building, CSU. My purpose in curating this exhibition was to help these art education majors to recognize that they art educators AND artists. More exhibition photos: Exhibition Album
2018 Fall
2019 Spring
2019 Fall
2020 Spring
2021 Spring
2022 Spring
2023 Spring
Course: ART 326 Art Education Studio (4 Credits & service learning) Website: https://qtinfun.wixsite.com/art326cc
Course Description:
In this class, art education students are in the process of becoming teachers and searching to find insight into the basic philosophical understanding of what may be termed an educational experience: who they are, what they do, and how they define themselves in the context of the teaching situation. Using this philosophical underpinning, students will investigate methods and materials appropriate to standards-based art education. Current practices in the instruction of studio art, art history, aesthetics, and criticism will be explored and applied through class activities. Students also apply these experiences to their service learning for the program, Bring Arts Integration to Youth (BRAINY), at Gregory Allicar Museum of Art (the university museum).
Instructional Pedagogy:
This course is designed to begin to allow students to explore their role as a practitioner. Theories are translated into practice through hands-on activities and service-learning experiences. Classes will be student-centered, participatory, interactive, and inquiry-based. Students can expect to research and teach in a variety of situations (with additional opportunities made available in ART325, EDUC350/386JV, and EDUC450/486JV).
As an instructor, I
Instruct students to design lesson plans aligned with Colorado State Standards for secondary schools.
Instruct students to plan out a high school art lesson by combining new technology with traditional art methods and practice it in a peer teaching format.
- Peer Teaching Assignment:
- Examples of Lesson & Resources Blogs:
In SP 2022, ART 326 students transformed the backyard into an outdoor classroom for people to contemplate and interact with social justice issues. The students designed art+technology+social justice lesson plans for secondary students. See the 5 groups of the peer teaching projects here. The five topics were immigrant stories, food insecurity, environmental justice, voting rights, and identity. The documentation of the transforming process and student teaching websites are on: https://qtinfun.wixsite.com/art326cc/outdoor-classroom-
Laser cutter_sculpture: https://abbyjoy6.wixsite.com/peerteaching/students-work
Film + multimedia: https://isabelcmf.wixsite.com/artactivismartblog
Digital collage+embroidery: https://echogilbert1997.wixsite.com/peerteaching
Time-lapse video+site-specific art: https://techpeerteaching.weebly.com/
- Examples of Lesson & Resources Blogs:
- Peer Teaching Assignment:
Facilitate arts-centered practices and group discussions:​
Bookmaking project: Exploring personal culture (Instruction link. Developed in 2021 SP)
Teacher example: Slide link​
Student project example:
https://isabelcmf.wixsite.com/mysite/post/part-4-final-bookmaking-project-presentation (including the final presentation video)
Student presentation video:​ Link
"Walking with me" project (2019-2020): Website
Hundreds Language_Illustrating the core concept of the Reggio Emilia approaches
Selected student works:
Designing choice-based studios (activity photos) (instruction sheet)
Guide students to develop reflexivity for critical thinking by creating autoethnographic artworks through weekly arts-based reflection (Reflexive Assignment):
Reflexive Assignment: Link
Examples of students' reflexive journals (2018-2022):
To respond to the pandemic situation, some technology integration and revised approaches were taken:
Revised assignment: Google classroom-Peer Teaching (2020 SP after March)
In this revised assignment, the students had to think about developing a Google classroom for their peer teaching. The students reviewed each peer group’s classroom materials and gave constructive feedback on the discussion board on Canvas. The assignment introduction: Link
In 2022 Spring, I curated the first art education showcase, "Tha Making of Art Education: Our Teaching and Learning Paths," at the Direction Gallery, CSU, Fort Collins, CO.
Exhibition Album
Train students to lead BRAINY for K4 students, who are from Title One school​​ (Please check out the program details here: Link)