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Sakimi Chan, Pocahon (Male version of Pocahontas), 2014

Historical Background:

Sakimi created 12 pictures of disney female character being portrayed by their male version in 2014. They were meant to question us about our favorite disney movies. 


Representation of Gender Role:  

In the film, Pocahontas and John Smith developed a love interest, which made both tried to save and protect each other from their own people. If Pocahontas was a man, a similar love relationship would doubtly formed, which means that they would not of save each other. Thus, the conflict between the Englishman and the tribe would escalated and many people would dies. Another possibility is that they would still love each other, but as a gay couple. However, homosexual was not popular during the 16th-17th century, which again would created tension between the two parties and the conflict would escalated. 


Anh, Pocahon Save the Day​, 2015

[The gender issue that I am focus on is that] male display more power[ful] than female. 


I choose the artwork "Pocahon" by Sakimi Chan. I think it's very interesting to have a male protagonist in place of a female role. It shows the different in power and tone of the film by switching the gender role.


I added texts to the image. John Smith's role is now taken by Pocahon and becomes irrelevant. Pocahon displays more power and control compared to the female counterpart Pocahontas. I want to show that the typical Disney princess portrays women as a weaker role, while the prince shows more dominant power as a men. 


I think the entire process help me understand the gender issues better. I believed that women have their unique power in society. The role of men and women are different and both important, but I think it's unfair that their power don't interact or shared. This little project helps me understand how the media and advertisement portrays men and women differently and that is discriminating both sides.



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