Art Activism:
The Entire World is Your Showroom
Students will understand and analyze how street artists, such as JR and Banksy, and contemporary artists, such as Mark Dion and Kara Walker, planned their art projects by considering the places to display. (Bloom’s-Understand; Standards: Comprehend; GLE:1; Art Learning: Art and place)
Students will learn and know what is art activism. (Bloom’s-Understand; Standards: Comprehend; GLE:1; Art Learning: contemporary art; Literacy: Using art vocabulary)
Students will design social poster prints to advocate their awareness on one specific topic. (Bloom’s-Evaluating and Creating; Standard: Create & Transfer; GLE:2&3; Art Learning: materials and composition; Literacy: Find quotes or powerful words for posters)
Students will experiment and utilize Gelli plates with various materials and methods to make and reproduce prints. (Bloom’s- Creating; Standard: Create; GLE:2; Art Learning: Materials)
Students will know how to apply digital software Adobe After Effects and Premiere (advanced option) to edit videos, which become showrooms, and stitch their social posters in the videos. (Bloom’s- Creating and Applying; Standard: Create & Transfer; GLE: 2&3; Art Learning: Video editing; Technology: Using digital software to create stitching effect for a video)
Students will reflect, share, and appreciate each other’s’ social awareness in the final video presentation. (Bloom’s-Understanding; Standard: Reflect; GLE:1; Art Learning: Aesthetics, Interpretation and appreciation; Literacy: Apply art vocabulary to share their inspirations, art ideas, making process, and feelings about the final product)